
5 years ago

New house at Greenland Road is now taking shape. Drainage is now complete. Matt and the guys are doing a great job. To be honest although I designed the house I didn't realise how the well the ... See more

5 years ago
Photos from Manor House Surveyors's post

Fully finished. This has been a fantastic job for us and we want to thank everyone who was involved. Big thanks to Daniel and Donna for letting us use the pics they were and are fantastic clients.

5 years ago
Photos from Manor House Surveyors's post

New House Build in Sellypark area. Site visit today. The foundations are now going and the wall starting to be built. Great job the guys

5 years ago

Party Wall Matters:

This booklet is available for download from Amazon and will help you understand the Party Wall etc. Act 1996
and help you with the process of serving relevant notices prior to ... See more

5 years ago

Party Wall Matters:

This booklet is available for download from Amazon and will help you understand the
Party Wall etc. Act 1996 and help you with the process of serving relevant notices prior
to ... See more

5 years ago
Photos from Manor House Surveyors's post

Project Management: Jacey Road site visit today. The work on site is going well with a handover date planned for mid-February.

5 years ago
Jacey Road Project

The photographs are taken from the start of the job through to mid-stage. The project has progressed since these photographs were taken and new photographs will be added to update the project in the ... See more

5 years ago
Explore Nigel Lassetter in 3D

New Site-survey of Flat 2 Warstone Lane

Matterport 3D Showcase

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